Process Validation

Process Validation

According to IN 138, chapter 1, session lll, art. 3rd item XXIX – process validation is: “documented evidence that a process, operated within pre-established parameters, can perform its functions effectively and reproductively for the production of a medicine within its pre-established specifications and quality attributes. settled down."

Process validation is divided into 3 distinct validations:

  • concurrent validation: validation carried out in exceptional circumstances, justified by the benefit to the patient, where the validation protocol is executed concomitantly with the commercialization of validation lots;

  • prospective validation: validation carried out before the production of commercial batches;

  • retrospective validation: validation carried out that involves the evaluation of past production experience, under the condition that the composition, procedures and equipment remain unchanged;

In order for validation to be carried out, the product development process must be robust and successful, in order to guarantee the effectiveness and reproducibility of the process under study. Therefore, process validation must consider the following phases:

  • Phase 1- link the development of products and processes;

  • Phase 2 – ensure validation of the commercial manufacturing process;

  • Phase 3 – maintain the process in a state of control during routine commercial production.
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